1 Bedroom Flat In Leicester, Leicestershire

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Flat     1     Multiswap:

1 BED for 1 BED. \\r\\nWhere i want :\\r\\nNewport, Barry, Caerphilly, Swindon, Norwich or Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds. 1 bed any floor (must be near shopping or good transport due to health issues) \\r\\n\\r\\nWhere I am : \\r\\nLeicester 1 bed 5th floor fully carpeted good decoration, City centre, lift to 4th and 6th floor and 2 flights of stairs , communal garden. Parking with housing association agreement. Le1 will happily multuswap. My medical issues are not getting better and need a move. If your not in my specific zones but interested, let me know and we could try a multiswap. \\r\\nIm so sick of people wasting my time or not reading my post. I have my reasons why I want these areas and its for support. So please. Only message if you want this swap or feel you can include me in a multiswap. Thank you

Looking For: 1 bedroom flat in Bristol, Bristol

Leicester, Leicestershire


Added: October 10, 2024, 6:11 pm

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